Murchison Falls National park

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National park is situated in Murchison Conservation Area with Bugungu and Karuma Wildlife Reserves. It is located in the North Western region of Uganda and it is ranked the best national park with various wild life. The northern sector of the park is dominated by savanna and borassus palms, acacia trees and riverine woodland where as the south contains woodland and forest patches.

In 1926, the park was a game reserve established to shelter grasslands which was pointed out by Winston Church Chill as the Grand Kew Gardens together with Wildlife combined on an confined land

The park is endowed with over 76 mammal species including four of the big fives namely the lion, leopards, the elephants and the Buffaloes as well as over 450 bird species. Hippos, Nile crocodiles and aquatic birds are permanent residents.

Murchison Falls national park is recognized as one of the best eye-catching parks in Uganda due to the waters of the Nile that force their way through a small slit within the rocks, just 7 meters and topples to 23 meters with a thunderous roar forming  a residual water stray that forms a beautiful rainbow hence creating a breath-taking view of the wild waterfalls.

A 5-6 hour drive from Kampala takes you through the main Kichumbanyaobo gate where visitors are welcomed by the shying away baboons through Kaniyo Pabidi forest which is known for chimp trekking

Wildlife in Murchison Falls national park

The park is blessed with several attractions including over 76 species of mammals with four of the big fives ( lions, elephants, leopards and the Buffaloes). Other species include the giraffes, Jackson’s hartebeest, warthogs, hyenas, waterbucks etc. there are also primates like baboons and several monkey species. Around chimps 800  have been recorded in the Kaniyo Pabidi and Budongo forest.

The park is home to various species of birds with over 450 bird species recorded. Among these are the Speckle-Fronted Weaver, African Quail- Finch, Silverbird, Weaver Birds, Malachhite Kingfishers, Shoebill Stork, the Goliath Heron, Uganda’s national bird, Squacco Heron, Denham’s Bustard, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Black-headed Gonolek, Black-billed Barbet, Swamp Flycatcher and Piapiac.

Activities in Murchison falls national park.

Murchison Falls offers so many interesting activities to visitors such as;

Hiking and nature walks: The park can be explored on foot  along trails like Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo forest which provide sightings of many birds and primates.

Nature walks around the Nile-Lake Albert Delta offer possible sightings of the shoebill when the water level is low. In the afternoons, visitors can also hike on top of the falls for a complete view of the magnificent waterfall.

Birders can enjoy a short walk from Paraa(north) passing through the Emmy river or from Sambiya river Lodge on the south bank.

Birding in Murchison Falls national park; Different bird species can be sighted during the hikes and baot cruise where the savannah forest birds, water birds and Albertine Rift endemics are seen. The commonest birds are the Shoebill (common in dry season from January to March).

Launch trips in Murchison Falls national park. The morning launch cruise is so suitable for bird lovers downstream to Nile-Lake Delta where the Shoebill is best sighted. You will be ale to spot the water residents like hippos, crocodiles, elephants and many water birds. A launch trip from Paraa also gives beautiful display of wildlife and culminates with the perfect view of the falls.

Game drives in Murchison falls: Game drive is a wonderful experience that leaves visitors with a memorable experience throughout their lifetime. Animals like giraffes, leopards, buffaloes, lions, elephants, Uganda kobs as well as various bird species are seen. Game drives are carried out in a comfortable 4WD or range over vehicle with an open roof which provides the perfect view of the wonderful surrounding.

Cultural encounters in Murchison Falls national park: Visitors are entertained by energetic dancers from Mubako around lodge fires in the evenings. Boomu Women’s Group offers accommodation, craft shop and village tours to the visitors.

Murchison falls national park also offers sport fishing at the banks of the Nile below Murchison Falls. Enjoy the cute experience of flying in a hot air balloon with/without bush breakfast sunset.

MFNP is a must go when on any Ugandan safari.// View Uganda Safaris

Murchison Falls National park
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